État souverain
de réalité /
République populaire
de paranoïa
Corpus n°3, 2013
• À propos du corpus
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Social nightmare is rationalized and one arrives in an adult fairy tale.
The Sovereign state of reality/Peoples Republic of paranoia exhibit, named after Stephen King's famous novel Misery, is intended to put into play a variety of notions: the historical codes of abstraction, seabeds, horror novels, and supermarkets from the 90s.
APR mixes genres, tones and themes in order to spark broader notions of structure and implosion. In each of the works displayed here the artist folds the subject so that it faces inwards, making maximum use of its visual field and losing it in the process – the better to test its limits.
In doing so, the artist is proposing a way to view our immediate surrounding that appropriates elements of the fantastic. He offers 3 hypotheses through which to explore the exhibition: formal, critical, and fictional.
Through titles, performances and workshop anecdotes that link to the sculptures, APR asks us to peel back the layers, explore the secondary themes that lie below the surface, and discover a work that also builds on the imaginary. He suggests that there are spaces between what is and what could be; between the seeming concreteness of objects and supposition; between reality and paranoia.
Moteur démonté puis remonté de manière aléatoire
Pièce unique, 120 x 70 cm

mais c'était le seul tour qu'il sut faire, et si en fin de compte il l'accomplissait de manière inepte, du moins était-ce toujours avec beaucoup d'amour.)
Sculpture performée
Acrylique sur bois, nœuds-papillons factices, chaussons de danse, dentifrice
Vues d'exposition, V64, Bangkok, Thaïlande
Sculpture performée
Acrylique sur bois, nœuds-papillons factices, chaussons de danse, dentifrice

Collage numérique, 120 x 120 cm

Bois, peinture acrylique, sable noir, polish, calamar, déodorant pour homme Axe Anarchy, chewing-gum, gel douche

Parapluies, photographie projetée
Dessins performés
Dessins encadrés, 30 x 42 cm

Dessins performés
Dessins encadrés, 30 x 42 cm
Élément préparatoire pour Versus Galaxy, performance pour sculpture, ciel nuageux, cerf volant et stade de rugby
Collage numérique
Impression Inkjet contrecollée sur aluminium,
140 x 100 cm

Performance pour sculpture, cerfs-volants, stade de rugby et ciel nuageux
Pots d'échappements fondus et soudés
Pièce unique
Dimensions variables

Impression sur bâche, 470 x 230 cm

Tonglor Road, Bangkok, Thaïlande