

New publications

The Documents d'artistes Network is developing a critical support program consisting of initiating meetings between artists and authors to encourage the writing of original texts on contemporary artistic approaches.

This year, thanks to the support of the Fondation de l'Olivier*, three new collaborations have been implemented by DDA-AuRA. We are pleased to unveil the resulting new publications:
— Simon Feydieu seen by Amélie Lucas-Gary
— Olivier Nottellet seen by Eugénie Zély
— Émilie Perotto seen by Balqis Tandjaoui

The Fondation de l'Olivier thus allows us to strengthen our commitment to visibility and knowledge of the work of artist-authors.

* Sheltered by the Bullukian Foundation, the Fondation de l'Olivier's main mission is solidarity and support for artistic expression in the Lyon region.

Artist's news

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Thematic tour

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— September 2023


Proposal by Lélia Martin-Lirot

This journey brings together ephemeral works, with precarious conditions of existence, sometimes even doomed to disappearance. Whether they are in situ or performative interventions, tangible objects, tenuous or more monumental gestures, these evolutionary works provide, in their production processes or materials, both their own conditions of appearance and erasure, exhaustion, or even their potential destruction. Using recycling procedures and savings of means, the artists here cause transitory situations and produce unstable forms, in equilibrium suspended in the environment that receives them. By challenging the notions of collection and conservation, they assume a form of impermanence of the work, even if they risk its invisibility.

— List of the mentioned artists :

  • Linda Sanchez
  • Bruno Yvonnet
  • Marion Robin
  • Mathias Tujague
  • Antoine Palmier-Reynaud
  • Guillaume Perez
  • Émilie Perotto
  • Bruno Silva
  • Olivier Nottellet
  • Bertrand Grosol
  • Gaëlle Foray
  • Benedetto Bufalino
  • Perrine Lacroix
Visit the thematic tour

Public space artworks

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Since 2010, Documents d’Artistes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has developed an online documentary collection dedicated to the work of visual artists and designers of the territory. A tool for knowledge of contemporary creation, the site represents the works of more than a hundred artists, enriching each year with new digital publications accessible to all audiences. The work of web publishing is completed by actions of diffusion, communication and professional accompaniment of the artists in the duration.

  • 110 Artists

    whose work
    is represented
    on the website

  • 30 440 Images

    reproductions of works,
    exhibition views...

  • 420 Videos

    artists' films,

  • 845 Texts

    writings of artists,
    critical texts,