Support us

Collaborations are essential to the development of the actions of the association. The partners guarantee the quality and sustainability of our work at the service of artists and audiences.

Public partners

Documents d'artistes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes receives financial support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the Ministry of Culture - DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Cities of Lyon, Saint-Étienne and Valence.

— In 2024, DDA-AuRA and DDA-Geneva are conducting a collaborative project, thanks to the support of Fonds culturel transfrontalier Grand Genève.

— The redesign of the website was carried out in 2022 with the support of the investment of the Ministry of Culture - DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes as part of France Relance, the Métropole de Lyon as part of the call for projects Cultural facilities for shared use and the Fund for the Development of Associative Life.

— DDA-AuRA also received an Aid for video capture and alternative broadcasts from the Ministry of Culture, for the production of a series of filmed portraits of artists in 2022-2023.

— Réseau documents d’artistes

DDA-AuRA is a member of the Réseau documents d'artistes, a federation of Documents d'artistes associations in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Brittany, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Reunion, Occitanie, Geneva and Centre-Val de Loire.

reseau documents d'artistes logo

— Private partners

DDA-AuRA benefits from the ad hoc support of private partners, corporate sponsors or individual donors.

— In 2023, Fondation de l'Olivier supports the production of new critical texts for the benefit of artists.

— In 2020, the anniversary edition of posters was realized thanks to the contribution of Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Manufacture d'Histoires Deux-Ponts, Fondation Bullukian, Union d'Etudes Comptables, JKD Associés, and individual donors.

— Technical partners and collaborations

DDA-AuRA benefits from technical partnerships and regular professional collaborations with different structures that contribute to the development of its activities.

To become partner

Documents d’artistes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes’s main mission is to support the territory’s contemporary creation by making it accessible to as many people as possible.

Contributing to this project means engaging with artists, professionals and volunteers to better represent, promote and disseminate contemporary art.

Private partners, corporate patrons, sponsors or individual donors who wish to join us, can participate in all of our activities alongside public partners and the professional artistic network.

Support can also be provided to the association by the acquisition of posters of artists among the exceptional edition realized in 2020.


  • Visibility on site and communication media
    — The website indicates the partners that contribute to the missions of DDA-AuRA. The logos of the public partners and sponsors appear on the communication documents produced by the association.

  • Visibility at broadcast events
    — Partnerships are also valued during the public actions conducted by the structure (inaugurations, conferences, artist meetings, exhibitions…).

  • Information
    — Private donors or managers, employees and partners of corporate sponsors are regularly informed of the project’s progress and invited to events.

  • Tax benefits
    — DDA-AuRA is a non-profit association. Its activity is carried out for documentary and cultural purposes. Its actions are recognized by the tax services as falling within a mission of general interest.


The association is entitled to receive donations and issue tax receipts allowing donors to benefit from tax reductions on income or corporations.

  • For individuals, the law entitles them to a reduction in income tax of 66% of the amount paid, up to a limit of 20% of the taxable income of the donor.
  • Companies may claim a reduction in corporation tax of 60% of the amount paid to the association, up to a ceiling of 0.5% of turnover, with the possibility of using the excess for the payment of the tax due for the following five years, if the threshold is exceeded.

Flyer 2023

Design : © Jade Ronat-Mallié