Thematic routes

Users of the documentary collection are invited to propose a path in the files, from a selection of works chosen according to a common theme.

— September 2023

Let’s go!

Proposal by Jade Ronat-Mallié

The summer holidays are over and smart bison can no longer see red. For DDA-AuRA, the journey continues, at the mouth of a new site. In the light of this new beginning and to inaugurate the section of thematic courses, I propose a stroll «at the foot of the letter» among works that appear, transform or invent various means of transport.

Thought as a roaming, this selection navigates between objects really or metaphorically mobile, functional machines or diverted from their uses. Much more than steel carcasses and floating structures, these vehicles refer us to our lifestyles and the fantasy of travel that we will probably never do.

Reinterpreting the notions of time and movement, the artists lead us to unexpected horizons and unexplored lands. Let’s go!

— List of the mentioned artists :

  • Maxime Lamarche
  • Fabienne Ballandras
  • Laurent Pernel
  • Anne Marie Rognon
  • Benedetto Bufalino
  • Slimane Raïs
  • Marion Robin
  • Bertrand Grosol
  • Dejode & Lacombe
  • Delphine Gigoux-Martin
  • Jan Kopp

— September 2023


Proposal by Lélia Martin-Lirot

This journey brings together ephemeral works, with precarious conditions of existence, sometimes even doomed to disappearance. Whether they are in situ or performative interventions, tangible objects, tenuous or more monumental gestures, these evolutionary works provide, in their production processes or materials, both their own conditions of appearance and erasure, exhaustion, or even their potential destruction. Using recycling procedures and savings of means, the artists here cause transitory situations and produce unstable forms, in equilibrium suspended in the environment that receives them. By challenging the notions of collection and conservation, they assume a form of impermanence of the work, even if they risk its invisibility.

— List of the mentioned artists :

  • Linda Sanchez
  • Bruno Yvonnet
  • Marion Robin
  • Mathias Tujague
  • Antoine Palmier-Reynaud
  • Guillaume Perez
  • Émilie Perotto
  • Bruno Silva
  • Olivier Nottellet
  • Bertrand Grosol
  • Gaëlle Foray
  • Benedetto Bufalino
  • Perrine Lacroix

— September 2023

1, 2, 3, trois petits chats

Proposal by Pascal Bernard

Who has never sung as a french child “un, deux, trois… Trois petits chats… Chapeau d’paille… Paillasson… Somnambule… Bulletin… Tintamarre… Marabout… Bout d’ficelle… Selle de cheval… Cheval de course… Course à pied… Pied à terre… Terre de Feu… Feu follet… Lait de vache… Vache de ferme… Ferme ta gueule… Gueule de loup… Loup des bois… Boîte aux lettres… Lettre d’amour… Mourre à trois… Trois p’tits chats…”? This rhyme serves as a common thread to subjectively associate the words and works of fourteen artists.

— List of the mentioned artists :

  • Le Gentil Garçon
  • Rajak Ohanian
  • Jean-Claude Guillaumon
  • Johann Rivat
  • Lucy Watts
  • Jan Kopp
  • Émilie Perotto
  • Marine Lanier
  • Christine Crozat
  • Georges Rey
  • Roland Cognet
  • Lisa Duroux
  • Karim Kal
  • Slimane Raïs