Olivier Nottellet
Born in 1963
Lives and works in Lyon
à peu de choses près, 2015
Exhibition view, Chapelle Saint-Jacques - centre d’art contemporain de Saint Gaudens, 2015
Photo : © François Deladerriere
Specialising in drawing and painting, Olivier Nottellet turns his notebooks into occasionally monumental installations that bring into play both painting and manufactured objects. His method draws from film editing to deliver a world that is unique, poetic, sometimes odd and absurd, and often populated with the bureaucratic silhouettes of men. His aim is to transform and question the spaces he is entrusted with, which he does by favouring narrative hypotheses and multiplying viewpoints. Words and language have been increasingly structural features in his installations, which aim to fracture our understandings so as to preserve zones of possibility that are too often subjected.
Translated by Lucy Pons, 2023